July 12, 2001 ... The Search For Tracette

The Search For Tracette, Chapter 1
by Kimmer

Thursday, July 12, 2001
takes place right after "New Mahogany--and New Clothes!"

A search party was quickly formed--Kimmer, Molly, Kaiya, Mindi, Teresa, Time, Jason and Alex. Lorna had physical therapy to go to, and not wanting to leave the Raven completely empty of Ravenettes with the workmen there and all, Chanda, LeeAnn and Claudia decided to stay at the night club.

Alex was able to get two limos and two drivers, two very sleepy drivers not use to cruising around during daylight hours, to split the Ravenettes into two teams--north-south, east-west. They were probably going to need a big trunk if--when they found Tracette. Kimmer had a huge, black over-sized garment bag, much more stylish than a body bag, but to serve the same purpose of stashing Tracette into it and lugging her to the trunk of one of the limos. They were not going to take any chances with their Dark Lady of the Knight.

Mindi had to ask. She didn't want to ask, but she had too. "Kimmer, do you think Tracette will implode?".

Kimmer, noting the grave look on Mindi's face, hugged the Ravenette and whispered in her ear. "No, honey, even if she starts to smoke, Tracette will be smart enough to get to a place of darkness. You know it's got to hurt, and I trust Tracette's instincts. We all hide when we hurt, it's our animal nature, and we all have that. Some of us are just more in touch with it than others. But she will be fine".

Kimmer's fake look of confidence was totally frozen on her face, but desperately wanting to believe her, Mindi just nodded and headed for one of the limos.

All the Ravenettes had fresh batteries in their pagers and cell phones. They split up with Molly, Mindi, Teresa and Alex taking the north-south route, and Kimmer, Kaiya, Time and Jason taking the east-west route. They wanted to split the men up, in case they had to pick up Tracette and lug her to the trunk. Lorna had an oversized garment bag, much like the one Kimmer had, and Molly had borrowed it so there was one for each limo.

Claudia, LeeAnn and Chanda waved to the departing Ravenettes. "We'll be here, call us if you need anything at all!", LeeAnn shouted, as the search parties drove off.

finis, chapter 1

The Search For Tracette, Chapter 1
by Molly and Kimmer

all participants used with permission

Thursday, July 12, 2001

"I think even the limo driver's getting bored," Teresa observed as she concentrated on buffing her nails.

"Yeah." Even Mindi was dispirited. "We've searched every doughnut shop in downtown Toronto".

"Cruise past Buckstar's again," Molly ordered the driver. "Guys, she couldn't have gotten far in daylight and on foot. She's got to be around here somewhere!".

"We don't really know what time she left, though," Alex reminded Molly gently.

In unison, the Ravenettes shuddered and slapped another coat of Manic Panic tm Protect Your Pallor tm on. As the limo swung by Tracy's favorite coffee shop, four pairs of sunglasses surveyed the surroundings. "What about that parking garage?", Molly said suddenly. "It's dark and it's close".

Molly's cell phone began to ring, and she quickly answered it. She heard Kimmer's voice saying, "Hey. Any luck on your end?".

"Well, we just cruised by the Buckstar's again, and hey, did you notice there was a parking garage near by? I never paid attention to that before, but --".

"We are on our way!" Kimmer shouted excitedly into the phone, and hung up.

"There!" Molly yelled at the driver, "Pull over!". Molly's limo parked, and it was only a couple of minutes later before the one carrying Kimmer, Kaiya, Time and Jason pulled in across the street.

The eight Ravenettes rolled out of the vehicles, and gathered at the opening to the parking garage. Cautiously they entered, removing their sunglasses so they could see in the now dimmed light.

Time grabbed Molly's shoulder and pointed. The Ravenettes could make out a cowering figure tucked between a column and an elevator shaft. Gingerly they tiptoed up, careful to avoid the nasty mess on the floor beside her. They looked at each other. "We never saw this," Molly said.

"Hungry," whimpered Tracette. "Wanted coffee...and doughnut!".

Kimmer knelt as close to Tracette as she could. "But you're in Janette's body and Janette's body doesn't *like* coffee and doughnuts. As you found out, the hard way. Now, come on. We'll take you back to the Raven".

"No, no, no!" Tracette was terrified. "I'll burn up!".

Molly rather enjoyed this part. With an evil smile, she said, "We came prepared".

It was a bit of a struggle, getting the cop inside Janette's body to submit to being stuffed in a garment bag, but as a concession they told her she could ride on the floor of the limo rather than in the trunk. Alex and Jason placed her in a waiting limo as delicately as possible, and Mindi called back to the Raven to let the others know they had found their Mistress, or at least their Mistress' body.

"I feel rather disrespectful," Kimmer said, looking at the bag on the floor. "Which means - "

"We need a drink!".

The two teams climbed back into their cars, and selected suitable potions from the nicely stocked bars. Alex, Jason, Kimmer and Molly rode back with Tracette. "I don't know how much more of this I can take," Molly said. "Ye gods and goddesses, what if Janette switches with Screed next, or Schanke?".

"Or Nick," Jason added gloomily.


"Oh, no!" Kimmer said. "Janette all angsty.....NO!".

The Ravenettes hit the bar more than once, even though it was a short drive home.

finis chapter 2
end arc

Subject: WAR: Ravenettes: "The Search For Tracette" Chapters 1 & 2
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 10:25:31 -0600
From: "kimmer" kimmertom [at] QWEST.NET
Reply-To: kimmer kimmertom [at] QWEST.NET
all participants used with permission


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